What would I tell my younger self? “You can be healed of a fear of rejection”
Let's continue this series of things I would tell my younger self. I believe a major area that robbed me was not understanding that I had...

What would I tell my younger self? “You are loved by God”
What are your first memories of love? What about unconditional love? Do you think of a parent comforting you, God, a relative, friend or...

What would I tell my younger self? “You were created on purpose for a purpose.”
Growing up, the extent of my understanding of identity was that I came from my Mum and Dad, they came from their Mum and Dad, so on and...

Laura's Latest: Don't give up
“No” “Not yet” “You have to wait” Golly gosh, these are things I used to dread hearing. I’m the kind of girl that when I want something,...

Lets talk about: Body image and security
It’s been a minute since my last video and it’s been on my heart to talk about security and body image. Insecurity is something most of...

Laura's Latest: Change What You see
Imagination. What a powerful thing! We spend years using it to play, grow, learn and achieve and then we get told we need to stop...

Laura's Latest: Preparing For Pregnancy And Childbirth
Pregnant? Woohoo! That's awesome! Trying or preparing for a baby? Woohoo! That's awesome too! As some of you know, I have cared for men...

Laura's Latest: God, our Father
Dad, Daddy, Dada, Papa, Father. What do you call your dad? Dad can mean something so different to each of us. It could mean a man who has...