Laura's Latest: Don't give up

“Not yet”
“You have to wait”
Golly gosh, these are things I used to dread hearing.
I’m the kind of girl that when I want something, I go and get it.
I rarely procrastinate.
If I make a decision to do something, I want to do it there and then.
That can be great when it comes to goals that are good and healthy, but its pretty bad when it comes to things that don't look likely to proceed or succeed imminently.
In my past, I had opportunities to do things that would have taken time and I would be instantly put off.
I found the idea of something lengthy very undesirable.
I respected that things take time, especially good things, but I didn't seem to possess the patience or integrity to see it through.
This can happen for a million reasons. Everyone to some degree knows the bitter taste of heart break, disappointment, rejection, hurt and abuse. When wounds from circumstances are left unhealed they can leave a residual fear and negativity towards hope. It can also cause us to go into self preservation mode, putting up skyscraper sized walls which can limit us in all areas of our lives.
I had many wounds and scars from my own experiences in life.
If I did get excited about an idea or imagine something good happening, I would quickly revert back to my default mindset: “Don't get your hopes up.”
In 2014 I accepted Jesus into my life and things changed. My taste changed towards things that were bad for me. I didn’t fancy them anymore. My mind changed on what was good, bad, important, unimportant. My desires, priorities and imagination changed, filling my heart and mind with hope for the future.
Some things changed imminently, other things I am working on with Jesus to this day.
To be able to handle waiting for anything and keeping hold of hope, I had to first understand the law of seed, time and harvest.
I was interested in this teaching from the get go as I am fascinated with Botany and find it incredible that gigantic trees grow from teeny tiny seeds.
The principle of this law is cause and effect. If you desire to reap a harvest of any kind it has to be preceded by sowing relevant seed.
My Pastor Ben of Tree of life Church has done some fantastic teaching on this that has helped transform my mind.
The fact is this: If you sow apples you wont get oranges, you will get apples! Simple.
I think of planting seeds at school. As children we learn about putting the seeds in the right environment. We have to water the seeds and ensure they are kept safe and undisturbed in the soil. We are then told to wait. This is the boring bit for most of us. Looking at mud every day with no sign of budding life.
All of a sudden, viola! We see the fruit of our labour! Little green stems springing up, more and more each day as we continue to love and protect our little pot of hope.
Eventually we get to pull it out and see the incredible root system that has been providing the absorption of water and dissolved minerals that our harvest needed, way before we even saw a hint of life!
Imagine If we had dug it up before we saw the stems? Imagine if we kept disturbing it with a spade or neglecting it altogether? We wouldn’t experience the growth or the harvest.
The same principle applies to our lives. We need to sow, allow time and then we will experience a harvest. So we might as well enjoy the journey.
We are all believing for things. Sometimes things can seem and feel hopeless.
To be able to endure we have to have hope and look beyond our senses.
I mentioned previously that years ago my default mindset towards goals or success would be, “Don't get your hopes up.”
The definition of ‘Get your hopes up’ in the Collins Dictionary is:
“If you tell someone not to get their hopes up, or not to build their hopes up, you are warning them that they should not become too confident of progress or success.”
Here is the Cambridge English definition of hope:
"To want something to happen or to be true, and usually have a good reason to think that it might."
When I began studying the Bible and hearing The Word in church I came to know the Hebrew meaning of hope was different to the definition of hope that I knew and practised.
Hope in Hebrew is a verb: לְקַווֹת
"Bible hope is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in His faithfulness."
True hope is an action word. A confident attitude that says, “I believe I am going to succeed no matter what.”
But some of us have struggled with insecurities and taken onboard criticism that we have then accepted as our self image. In order to fix this we need to know what is true, good and constant. We need to know who we really are in Christ. We need to build our hope on things that don’t change like the wind (like our feelings). We can build our hope in The Lord for He is good. He is true. He is kind. He loves you and He has created you with a plan and a purpose! He wants you to have hope for the future He has designed for you.
His plan will cause you to be fruitful, to have joy and peace.
Jeremiah 29:11(NIV)
“For I know the plans I have for you,” Declares The Lord, “ Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Don’t give up!
By all means I don't mean don't give up on negative, destructive things that are hindering your destiny, health or relationships etc. Chuck those things in the bin like a dirty nappy!
I mean, don't give up on hope.
Don’t give up on your dreams.
Don’t give up on love, life, the project, the mission, the challenge, the mending or the building.
If God has called you to do something then don't give up on it.
It’s ok to have a rest and a break. It’s ok to recoup and discuss with God. It’s ok to get some counsel and encouragement. We all have times that we just don't get it right, we all fail, we all miss the mark at times and get tired. But like King David we must learn to put down the cake at the pity party and encourage ourselves in The Lord.
Let’s be our own cheerleaders like Terri Savelle Foy says!
1 Samuel 30:6 (AMPC) -David was greatly distressed for the men spoke of stoning him because the souls of them were all bitterly grieved, each man for his sons and daughters. But David encouraged and strengthened himself in The Lord His God.”
Please know that I don't discredit the pain, disappointment and difficulties you have experienced. We have all been subject to some degree of turmoil.
Only God truly knows you and what you have been through. He has compassion and cares deeply about you and your wellbeing. He extends His loving hand of grace, love and peace to comfort you, dry your eyes and lift your head.
Only God can heal you and the good news is, He already has. Read these scriptures:
Isaiah 53:5 (NASV) “But He was pierced for our offences, He was crushed for our wrongdoings; The punishment for our well-being was laid upon Him and by His wounds we are healed.” Psalm 147:3 (ESV) “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 30:2 (ESV) “O Lord my God, I cried to you for help and you have healed me.” 1 Peter 2: 24 (TPT) “He Himself carried our sins in His body on The Cross so that we would be dead to sin and live for righteousness. Our instant healing flowed from His wounding.” Psalm 34:18 (ESV) The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) Do not fear [anything] for I am with you; Do to be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].”
So what is prohibiting you today? Why the feeling of hopelessness? What’s stealing your joy and peace?
Yes, there is a devil out there that hates us and wants to steal, kill and destroy. But he is a defeated foe and we have authority to overcome anything with God. We have the choice to dwell, or to let go, to forgive, or to fight, to be kind or cruel, to be happy or sad.
Do not let anyone else convince you that it is another human’s responsibility to make you happy. Only you can choose that. Seven years ago that statement would have offended me, but it is actually the most empowering revelation to grasp that you can make a change. When you decide to give that stronghold to God and receive your healing, you will be set free.
Let’s refocus our mind, heart and attitude and choose gratitude over grumbling.
Take some time to reflect on the good things. No matter how small.
What is lovely in your life right now? What is true? What is praiseworthy?
Use Philippians 4:8 as a guide for reflection.
As I said earlier, we all have times that we mess up. Sometimes the enemy likes to remind us of these times but God doesn’t. He has wiped the slate clean. So what do you need to do to get back on track?
Do you need to:
Reevaluate priorties?
Get some help or counsel?
Have some time or space?
Ask God what He thinks?
Do what God has told you to do?
Say no?
Be bold?
Spend some time reading The Word to get wisdom and build yourself up. You are not on your own my dear bothers and sisters. God is with you and for you and He doesn't want you to spend another minute worrying or feeling down.
Lets pray together right now:
“Father God,
Thank you for being with us always. Father we come to you today and thank You for Your love and kindness. Please give us wisdom, clarity, guidance and patience to do what You have called us to do.
Father we turn our backs on putting other things before you. Father today we give You access to our hearts and minds. Help us to make good choices that will build us up, help others and glorify Your Name.
Remind us of the purpose and destiny You have created us for. Give us creative and successful ideas and the skill to see them through.
Give us the strength and integrity to stand firm. Help us to live by Your promises and not just our senses so that we will not give up. For we know that nothing is impossible with You Jesus. Thank You for never giving up on us. In Jesus Name, Amen.”